Cities of Culture (EU)

Project Type: Cohesive & Creative Cities

Image for Cities of Culture (EU)

2010 saw the celebration of 25 years of European Capital of Culture (ECoC). Over the years, the potential offered by this title has become increasingly recognised and debated because cities compete with each other for investment, attraction and brain retention, as well as for tourists. More recently, however, there is a renewed emphasis on the ECoC to generate a programme of change within cities and for this transformation to be real and sustainable. Lia Ghilardi has helped cities as diverse as Sibiu (RO), Cork (IRL), Inverness (UK), Turku (FIN), Pilsen (CZ), Norwich (UK) and more recently Esch sur Alzette (L), and Novi Sad (RS) to develop integrated, sustainable and well-balanced Capital of Culture legacy strategies and programmes. Her thinking is based on the notion that, in order to be successful, each place needs to discover its distinctive resources (tangible and intangible) and then apply creative thinking to finding ways of maximising such resources for the benefit of lasting culture-led local development plans.

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